Zereward Rumdillian the Serious (a descendant of High Lady Alustriel Silverhand, who ruled Silverymoon for many centuries, long ago) insists on being referred to by his full name, by all, above and below.

To lazily refer to him as just Zereward or to omit "The Serious" would be considered an insult to his reputation and status, and would enrage him.
However, for undisciplined and feeble minded beings, he is accepting of the moniker of his initials: "Z.R.T.S.". Pronounced quickly, in one breath: "Zedarteeuss".

Zereward was once the loyal, reliable wizard in residence for a High Lord Mayhellow, Ruler of Silverymoon, some might argue he still is.

As it is in all power structures, there were opposing factions to the Mayhellows. Forces sought to overthrow the Lord but knew they would first have to weaken Zereward Rumdillian the Sanctimonious. To do this, the conspirators recruited an ignoble wizard from the Order of Mould 'n' Mildew. To purposefully arouse suspicion the plot was carried out in a carelessly open manner. With the intention that ZRTS, being so very satisfied with himself at anticipating the coup, would respond hastily, thoughtlessly and lacking in any seriousness.

As expected, ZRTS acted preemptively. He knew the dark wizard from the OoMnM and he knew his repetoire of magic consisted only of the ability to transform beings into earthenware, specifically egg cups, always egg cups. So, one eve, as the emperor slept, ZRTS himself applied some twisted logic and misplaced enthusiasm, and transformed the Lord of Silverymoon into a crudely formed, ceramic glazed egg cup. Only temporarily, he had thought.

Behold, The Emperor!

Unbeknownst to ZRTS, the conspirators actually had amongst them a sorcerer capable of a highly sophisticated permanency spell. All had gone to plan.

On the morning of the discovery of the egg cup Lord, when the foolishness of ZRTS was confirmed, the permanency spell was cast from afar.

Oh what have you done you silly wizard!

ZRTS had no other option but to flee with the egg cup up his wizard sleeve and leave Silverymoon to it's fate. For now.